The Nowicki Lab at Duke University |
Steve Nowicki
Bass Fellow and Professor Steve's research explores proximate mechanisms underlying the evolution of behavior. He is especially interested in the structure, function, and evolution of animal communication systems, using bird song as a model system. |
Susan Peters
Research Associate Susan is an expert in the area of bird song learning and development. Her current research addresses questions about the functions of song in adult birds and the effects of song development particularly in different environmental conditions on these functions. |
Jill Soha
Associate Scholar Jill's research is focused on comparative study of bird song learning, particularly its mechanisms and functional consequences. Before coming to Duke, she was Curator of the Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics at The Ohio State University. |
Danae Diaz
Graduate Student Danae is interested in cognition, communication, and mate choice. She is investigating whether melanin-based coloration serves as a signal of cognitive ability in wild Eastern Bluebirds and the extent to which metals in the envrionment affect this potential signal. |
Katie Henson
Graduate Student Katie is interested in mate choice, sexual dimorphism, and the evolution of avian coloration. Her thesis research is focused on plumage patterns in Estrildid finches and how these patterns function in signalling. In her spare time, Katie is an avid birdwatcher. |
Clara Howell
Graduate Student Clara is interested in sexual signaling, cognitive ability, and brain development. For her thesis, she is investigating whether male song serves as an honest signal of sickness in swamp sparrows. She previously obtained a Masters Degree studying the effects of heat stress on avian cognition with Dr. Liz Derryberry at the University of Tennessee. |
Xinyue Chen
Undergraduate Xinyue is a Junior from DKU interested in pursuing Avian Biology research and is currently exploring topics on avian behavior and cognition. She has research experience in bird-window collisions and migratory waterbirds in southeast China. They cannot live without extremely spicy foods and fieldwork but also enjoy bird-related lab work and specimen making. |
Sophie Cox
Undergraduate Sophie Cox is a third-year undergraduate majoring in biology with a concentration in ecology. She is interested in pursuing ecological research and conservation work and has a particular interest in the impacts of human activities on biodiversity. She also writes for the Duke Research Blog and spends a lot of time birding. |
Emma Gutstein
Undergraduate Emma is a first-year undergraduate student from Chicago interested in veterinary medicine and animal behavior. She wants to pursue a degree in Biology and enjoys performing bird care and digitizing recordings in the lab. |
Rena Ouyang
Undergraduate Rena is a third-year undergraduate and pre-vet student majoring in Evolutionary Anthropology and Biology with a concentration in Animal Behavior and minoring in Asian American Diaspora Studies. She has particular interest in questions and research surrounding animal behavior and cognition, as well as the evolution of these traits. |
Lab Grad Student and Postdoc Alumni |
Research Topics | Current Position | |
Rindy Anderson Postdoc/RS 2007-2014 | Signal reliability & female song preferences | Assistant Professor, Florida Atlantic University |
Barbara Ballentine PhD 2006 | Vocal performance and mate choice | Associate Professor, Western Carolina University |
Martin Beebee PhD 2003 | Sexual selection on multiple song types | Martin Beebee Photography, Colorado Springs, CO |
Eleanor Caves Postdoc 2018-19 | Visual ecology & perception | Marie Curie Research Fellow, University of Exeter |
Elizabeth Derryberry PhD 2007 | Mechanisms of song evolution | Associate Professor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Renee Duckworth PhD 2006 | Plasticity in reproductive investment & behavior | Associate Professor, University of Arizona |
Bill Hoese PhD 1998 | Functional morphology of bird jaws | Professor, Cal State Fullerton |
Patrick Green Postdoc 2018-19 | Assessment and animal contests | Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Exeter |
Melissa Hughes Postdoc 1994-96 | Signal form and function | Professor, College of Charleston |
Jeremy Hyman Postdoc 2001-06 | Individual variation in aggression in birds | Professor, Western Carolina University |
Silke Kipper Postdoc 2004-05 | Mate choice mechanisms in birds | Senior Researcher, Technische Universität München |
Casey Klofstad Associate 2013-14 | Human social and political behavior | Associate Professor, University of Miami |
Rob Lachlan Postdoc 2010-2013 | Cultural evolution of bird song | Lecturer, Royal Holloway University of London |
Irene Liu PhD/Postdoc 2008-2016 | Evolution of mating systems | Associate Producer, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology |
Bernie Lohr PhD 1995 | Song production & perception | Associate Professor, University of MD, Baltimore County |
Sheila Patek PhD 2001 | Physics & evolution: animal fast movements | Professor, Duke University |
Jeff Podos PhD 1996 | Mechanisms & evolution of vertebrate behavior | Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Denise Pope PhD 1998 | Evolution of exaggerated & costly displays | Program Coordinator, CIRTL |
Jonathan Prather Postdoc 2005-08 | Neural mechanisms of behavior | Associate Professor, University of Wyoming |
Kimberly Rosvall PhD 2009 | The evolution of female aggression | Assistant Professor, Indiana University |
John Rowden PhD 1996 | Evolution of Australian parrot display behavior | Director, Community Conservation, Audubon Society |
Kendra Sewall Postdoc 2010-12 | Behavioral plasticity & neural mechanisms | Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech |
Christopher Sturdy Postdoc 2000-01 | Neuroethology of bird song | Professor, University of Alberta |
Mark Westneat Postdoc 1991-92 | Systematics, biomechanics & biodiversity | Professor, University of Chicago |
Stacey Weiss PhD 1999 | Reproductive behavior & animal communication | Professor, University of Puget Sound |
Tammy Windfelder PhD 1997 | Primate communication & social behavior | Associate Professor, Drew University |
Nowicki Lab Department of Biology Box 90338, Duke University Durham, NC 27708-0338 USA Lab phone: 919-684-6950 Email: |